International recruitment and immigration services.
We’re here to help.
HealthStar International provides recruitment assistance and immigration case management to assist U.S.-based healthcare organizations in hiring international talent to fill their skills gap needs.
2525 Northwest Expressway STE 201
Oklahoma City OK 73112
Contact Info
(979) 282-9009
HealthStar International
We work hand-in-hand with human resources executives and professionals to recruit, identify, screen, and select healthcare professionals who fit the skill needs and cultural needs of the organization. We then manage each case from recruitment and selection, all the way through the immigration processes abroad, until the candidate arrives in the U.S. to begin employment.
As a family-operated business, we pride ourselves on our strong relationships both domestic and abroad, our high standards for honesty and integrity in our personal and business operations, and our ability to provide high-quality recruitment, immigration, and placement experiences for both our US-based clients, and for our foreign professionals who come to call the United States home.
Large or small, healthcare organizations have critical needs for highly-educated and highly-trained professionals in order to meet the needs of their clients and to grow their organization. HealthStar understands this need. We strive to find the best international talent and then tailor our recruitment efforts based on the organization’s culture and need.
As of year-end 2020, over 1000 nurses and therapists recruited by HealthStar have arrived in the U.S. with a visa and license to practice. In addition, we have more nurses and therapists in various stages of processing, who are expected to enter the U.S. in the next few years. HealthStar continues to successfully recruit nurses and other healthcare professionals in order to address the present and future labor shortages.
"I have been involved with foreign nurse recruitment for over 20 years and have worked with several different recruiting agencies. Without exception, HealthStar International has been the most efficient and professional. They have high standards and do not promise what they can’t deliver. We have made 4 separate trips to the Philippines with HealthStar. Each trip was well organized and we were presented with well-screened and well-qualified candidates. Currently, we have over 100 nurses from the Philippines on board. They are recognized by their patients, peers, and physicians for their competency and compassion.”
- VP of HR, Large Texas HOspital
Want to find out more?
Contact us with questions, or to set up a time to chat. Either way, we’re here to solve your workforce challenges.